CW cancela 'Life Sentence' e 'Valor', ambas somente com uma temporada

Publicado em 9 maio 2018, às 17h42.

Quem sabe na próxima. A CW resolveu deixar triste aqueles que gostaram de Life Sentence e Valor, a emissora cancelou ambas as séries, as duas tinham apenas uma única temporada.

Sobre Life Sentence, a protagonista, Lucy Hale, revelou a informação em suas redes sociais através de um texto:

Just got the sad news that Life Sentence will not be coming back for a second season. I was emotionally attached to this story and to everyone involved so I’m a little shell shocked right now, but I feel fortunate that we got to tell a really beautiful story. Sometimes things don’t resonate with the audience and shows just don’t work, but I’m so proud of what we accomplished & for the experience I had. Life sentence was a show that a lot of us needed and I am beyond grateful for those who gave our show a chance. Somewhere in the universe the Abbotts will continue their dysfunctional lives & Stella will continue to be a manic pixie dream girl. That chapter is closing before I want it to, but taking this as a life lesson. Things don’t always work out in our favor & it’s up to us what we do with it. It’s been a helluva last year for me and I want to give a huge thank you to the support I’ve been shown! Love love love to all of you. We created something important and pure and no cancellation can take that away ?

Uma publicação compartilhada por Lucy Hale (@lucyhale) em

Assim como Life Sentence, Valor fracassou na audiência durante toda sua primeira temporada. Triste pelos cancelamentos?

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